Mr. Chaddles' Blog
May 5th, 2020 Rt. 1 North's Missing On-Ramp in Revere
Where is the quick on-ramp in Revere from Rt. 16 West to Rt. 1 North? Right by the old Plaza Garibaldi is the perfect spot to have an easy on-ramp to Rt. 1 North. This long needed on-ramp would significantly alleviate the traffic backup of vehicles needing to do a U-turn at the next intersection by Russo Tux so that they can access Rt. 1 North from the other side of Rt. 16. -------------------------------------------------------------- Previous Blogs February 12, 2016: February 9, 2016: February 3, 2016: February 1, 2016: August 9, 2012: August 5, 2012: August 5, 2012: |